Incrementum - Empowering European Companies for US Business Expansion

Incrementum is a service company dedicated to assisting European companies in establishing and growing their business operations in the United States. With a focus on companies involved in physical product distribution and logistics, it provides a comprehensive range of services to support its customers’ startup and scale-up endeavors.

Incrementum also works in collaboration with US-based companies that specialize in incorporation, human resources, legal matters, and other essential areas. By combining its core competencies with their specialized knowledge, Incrementum offers a holistic package that addresses the entire spectrum of needs during the critical early stages of market entry or company scaling.

How are we useful for you



Incrementum focuses on robust business development strategies, establishing partnerships and alliances to help customers thrive in the US market. By identifying potential distributors, retailers, and partners, they expand market presence. Attending trade shows and networking events, Incrementum builds strong relationships, capitalizes on opportunities, and resolves any conflicts transparently.


Supply Chain
and Logistics

In supply chain and logistics, Incrementum evaluates manufacturing options (US vs. Europe) and considers local suppliers to reduce shipping costs. They analyze customer supply chains, devise distribution strategies, and select 3PL service providers through a meticulous process.


Support Operations

In start-up support operations, Incrementum helps customers establish their US presence by assisting with office setup, hiring, and supplier agreements. They provide flexible order management and customer service support, transitioning from hourly rates to unit rates. Additionally, Incrementum offers training and support for customers' staff during the transition from outsourcing to insourcing.


and Ongoing Support

Incrementum stays updated on US regulations and compliance, maintaining relationships with key partners for ongoing support. They prioritize relationship management beyond the initial contract period, ensuring they remain the customers' trusted resource for assistance.

If you have a question, you can contact us. Just fill a form.

We are here to assist you in establishing and growing your business operations in the United States. Please provide us with the following information, and we will get in touch with you shortly.

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working hours

  • Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
  • Saturday: 8:00 AM – 2:30 PM

we are here

  • 2015 Ayrsley Town Blvd., Charlotte, North Carolina
  • Phone: +1 864 707 7319
  • Email: